Monday, 19 November 2012

Rush Hour Rumours and Trailer Time

First up is Rush hour 4: Chris Tucker has confirmed that he and Jackie Chan are “…trying to get something going…” on the project. Given that this is still massively early days there aren’t really any details knocking about, so no word on whether Brett Ratner would return. That’s pretty much that all there is at the moment. Having never really been into the Rush Hour films I don’t know how I feel about this but who knows, maybe it’ll be good?

Other than that there are these trailers:

This is cool, more World War Z is always appreciated. Although I am massively not loving Pitt’s six year old girl hair cut teamed with creepy beard, WTF?    

As with all comedy trailers its pretty hard to tell if this will actually be any good, let’s hope it more The Hangover than The Hangover II eh?

P.s MLK biopic seems to be getting wheels, if you’re into that sort of thing check this out.  

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