Most people have a pretty similar life path. They are born, learn, leave school, often do some form of further education or training, get some kind of repetitive job, work, get promoted, retire, die. Basically this. Some people do things a bit differently. Mr A. Schwarzenegger was born, left Austria, became the body building champion of the world, pretended to be a barbarian, pretended to be a robot from the future, became the actual governor of California, and is now back to pretending to be a barbarian again. Wow, just wow.
The plot of this newly minted Conan sequel deals with getting old. This being a Conan film, that means glorious deaths and entering Valhalla, not an extended grumble about lines at The Post Office. Expect blood, big swords, and manly proclamations. It's going to be awesome.
His quite frankly amazing career path aside (seriously, imagine what his CV looks like), I am super happy Arnie is back in this role. He looks right, he sounds right, and he feels right. Arnie is Conan and Conan is Arnie. Hopefully screenwriter Chris Morgan and producer Fredrik Malmberg make this the movie it deserves to be.
Release date has, tentatively, been set for 2014.
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